Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
08/08/10 "The Witness Of The Sun" Psalm 19
08/01/10 "Post-Traumatic Hope" Romans 5: 1-501/03/10 "Focus For 2010" Philippians 3: 7-14
12/27/09 "The End of Fear" Luke 2: 1-11
12/24/09 "One Magnificent Moment In Time" Luke 2: 8-2012/13/09 "The Foolishness of Christmas" I Corinthians 1: 18-25, Luke 2: 1-7
12/06/09 "Four Words That Make It Christmas" Matthew 1: 18-25
"Experiencing Life As A Gift"
Luke 17: 11-19
10/25/09 "A Better Way of Grieving" I Thessalonians 4: 12-18
09/20/09 "A Seasoned Senior's Prayer" Psalm 71
09/06/09 "A Do It Again Day" Nehemiah 8: 8,1008/23/09 "Temporary/Eternal" Luke 12: 13-21
08/16/09 "Attitude Makes The Difference" Philippians 2: 1-1106/07/09 "What Was The Greatest Moment Of Your Life?" Psalm 118
05/24/09 "The American Dream" Psalm 3303/08/09 "It's A Jungle Out There" Jeremiah 1: 4-8, 17-19; 20: 1-52
03/01/09 "Conquering The Scourge Of Loneliness" Hebrews 11: 36-38, II Timothy 4: 9-22
02/22/09 "Right In The Middle Of Your Storm" Matthew 14: 22-33, Psalm 4611/09/08 "Keeping Hope Alive" I Peter 1:3-9
11/02/08 "The Value Of Your Vote" Romans 13
10/26/08 "The One Who Holds The Future Revelation 5
10/19/08 "Strength For Today's Stress" Revelation 4
10/12/08 "Remembering Who You Are" Psalm 8 Psalm 139: 13-16
10/05/08 "Remember" Luke 22: 14-30
09/28/08 "The Religion Of The President" Psalm 72
09/14/08 "Remembering 9/11" Psalm 77, 78 (Selected)
08/24/08 "Finishing Strong" Hebrews 12: 1-3
08/17/08 "Your Two Inches" Psalm 90
08/10/08 "Of Course!" Genesis 15, Revelation 1 (Selected)
08/03/08 "Do You Know Your Assets?" Romans 8:31-39
07/27/08 "Blessings Arrive In Unexpected Packages" II Corinthians 12
07/20/08 "Worry? You Don't Have To" Psalm 55
07/13/08 "God's No Wimp" Isaiah 40
07/06/08 "Your Greatest Invitation" Matthew 11:25-30
06/22/08 "Our God Is Not Stoic" Zephaniah 3:14-20
06/15/08 "Your Everywhere Present Father" Psalm 139
06/08/08 "No Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer" Proverbs 24, 27
06/01/08 "Comforting Words For Troubled Hearts" John 14:1-6
05/25/08 "We Will Remember" Psalm 3305/18/08 "Chasing Skinny Rabbits" Ecclesiastes 1,2 Selected
05/11/08 "A Mother's Influence" Proverbs 31
05/04/08 "Look Up!" Colossians 3:1-3 Ephesians 1:18-23
04/27/08 "Second Mile Christians" Matthew 5:39-41
06/11/06 "Five Questions You Need Answered" Romans 8:31-38
04/16/06 "Easter's Grand Conjunction" Corinthians 15
03/12/06 "Getting Along" Romans 12:9-20
02/19/06 "Breathe On Me, O God" Ezekiel 37
01/15/06 "The Sweet Sleep of Peace" Psalm 4
01/08/06 "Finding God in 2006" Hebrews 11
12/18/05 "The Secret of Christmas" Luke 2:1-20 NIV
12/04/05 "Do We Really Need Christmas?" Luke 2:1-20 KJV
11/13/05 "Does It Do Any Good To Go To Church? Psalm 92
11/06/05 "Looking For Mitford" John 17: 20-26
10/23/05 "Homesick" Hebrews 11
10/16/05 "Milestones & Tombstones" John 14
10/02/05 "For Sinners Only" Luke 22: 7-30
09/25/05 "God, Job and Hurricanes" Job 38, Luke 13
09/18/05 "Keeping Hope Alive" Romans 8: 18-25
09/11/05 "Remember 9/11" Ezekiel 33
09/04/05 "Hope For A Tuckered Nation" Psalm 46
08/28/05 "Love: It's More Than A Feeling I John 4
08/21/05 "Musn't Despair" Daniel 3
08/14/05 "Making Disciples" Matthew 28: 18-20